I am Gio Calla, graphic & painting craftsman from Lyon, France. I’m mostly interested in glitch aesthetics, surrealism, and human body. I now diversify my praxis including photography and acrylic experimentations.
I studied Philosophy in Jean Moulin – Lyon III University where I obtained a BA before making a BTEC National Higher Diploma of graphic design in Bellecour School, Lyon – France.
Then I started my own graphic business and I studied Psychoanalysis & Aesthetics in Paul Valéry University Montpellier III, France, specializing in the questions of the negative (precisely violence) and the sacred in artistic expression (more widely the image) and human interactions.
My art work is inspired by authors like Teilhard de Chardin, Jung, Boehm, Nietzsche, Foucault, Cioran & Derrida… I’m questioning the emergence of the meaning, individuality and their links to the body & mind, the supposed primacy of image… I conceive the body as a battlefield where hebraic morals & atavism are the belligerents. Today we just came up to the idea that the body can be more than a place for suffering, a designed place for enjoyment & creativity.
Visit the bright side of my production here: dietrologia